Leadership Condensed Into Four Essentials: The Basics of Leadership Explained

Leadership Condensed Into Four Essentials

The Basics of Leadership Explained

“Rarely will you find a leader operating powerfully in all four leadership essentials. This book has been written with the purpose of helping those who would like to identify and improve any of the four leadership pillars in which they might be lacking or struggling”. – Paul Rocca

Four Essentials is an eye-opening book that will sharpen your leadership skills, whether you are a seasoned leader with many years of experience or just starting out. This book will help you identify all of the aspects of leadership. He shows you convincing evidence that there are four essentials of leadership.

The author studies the past great leaders like Sun Tzu and Alexander the Great. He shows in detail that they used these four essentials. He includes a precise definition that consists of all aspects of leadership.

"This book will help you identify some key aspects of leadership. He shows you convincing evidence that there are four essentials of leadership." - Ewan McAllister. Managing Director Aries Rail.

"Whether a beginner or a seasoned professional with decades of experience, Leadership Condensed into Four Essentials is easy to understand, straight to the point, and is full of convincing truths about the essence of leadership." - Charl Johnson, Master of Business Administration Regional Sales Manager

"I have witnessed Paul's passion for leadership throughout the many years that I have known him. The decades he has devoted to studying are evident in this book. He generously shares the treasures that he has through both experience and study." - Ewan McAllister. Managing Director Aries Rail.

Grace Law Cross Book, Paul Rocca

Grace, Law, And The Cross

"A must read for those wanting those gold nuggets of insight into how the old covenant and new covenant bring about a full revelation of God's love and righteousness."
- Matthew Turner Sr

"Paul is a man who  passionately loves Jesus and the Word. The many years he has devoted to studying the Word of God are evident in his book. He generously shares the treasures that have been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit. You  will be greatly blessed as you receive these glorious treasures that he presents to you." Pastor of Engaging Heaven Church West Haven, CT USA

Three Distinctions in The Law. Also, The Wonder, Majesty of The Cross of Jesus.

This book will help you to:

  • Receive a deeper understanding of the Old & New Testaments.
  • Worship God from a revelation of the wonder of the cross.

The Author shows you three distinctions in the law:

  1. The law that relates to the priesthood of Aaron (the sacrificial system.)
  2. The Laws that relate to the separation of Jew and Gentile.
  3. The moral law. Gain insight into distinguishing between grace and legalism. Grasp what false grace is. 

Biblical redemption and inheritance will be unpacked in the chapters of this book for you. You will also have a look at the glory, wonder, and majesty of the cross of Jesus.

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