Paul Rocca - Author

Paul Rocca

About the Author

Paul Rocca lives in Western Australia and is the author of two books: Leadership Condensed Into Four Essentials, and Grace, Law & The Cross. Having studied leadership for decades, Paul learned from some of the worlds greatest authors and experts, as well as from his colleagues and those in leadership around him. He then applied the leadership principles and practices that he had learned into his own contracting business. Paul tested and observed first-hand, the different leadership styles, strengths and weaknesses and  what worked and what didn’t. Eventually, he received a breakthrough and a dynamic framework which he has coined as “Four pillars for the requirements of leadership”. These pillars have since been tested and proven in many industries to be highly effective and groundbreaking. Paul shares these insights in his latest book, Leadership Condensed Into Four Essentials.


Leadership Condensed Into Four Essentials: The Basics of Leadership Explained
Grace Law Cross Book

Author, Paul Rocca, is a man of faith who has experienced a powerful encounter with the Lord Jesus! Jesus is Paul’s everything. Paul says, “Our greatest need is to know Christ,” and living by that daily results in massive rewards, IF you live by it. (Genesis 15:1, Philippians 3:10). To learn more about Paul’s encounter and faith, read his book, Grace, Law and The Cross.

Contact Paul with your feedback and questions.

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